Mercè Rodoreda
Mercè Rodoreda (1908–1983) is widely regarded as the most important Catalan writer of the twentieth century. Exiled in France and Switzerland following the Spanish Civil War, Rodoreda began writing the novels and short stories—Twenty-two Short Stories, The Time of the Doves, Camellia Street, Garden by the Sea—that would eventually make her internationally famous, while at the same time earning a living as a seamstress. In the mid-1960s she returned to Catalonia, where she continued to write.
Biography from Open Letter Books.
(The portrait of Mercè Rodoreda is by Pilar Aymerich, who has kindly allowed us to use it.)
Mercè Rodoreda en imatges:
Breu biografia de Mercè Rodoreda amb fragments de la versió cinematogràfica de La plaça del Diamant.
Documental sobre Mercè Rodoreda dins la sèrie “El meu avi” de TV3.
Rodoreda entrevistada sobre La plaça del Diamant per Esther Benítez.
Mercè Rodoreda fotografiada.
Enric Casasses i Pascal Comelade diuen Rodoreda (lectures musicades).